Thursday, 4 November 2010

Interview With A Writer

I was lucky enough to be asked by the lovely Nic, a dear writer friend of mine from Fanstory, to do an interview for her blog! It was a lot of fun and you can read about it here:

Keep on reading the blog for Nic's adventures during (what I personally think is crazy, but we won't hold it against her haha!) NaNoWriMo AND NaBloPoMo (what did I tell you) and for all the insider gossip on writers that you might not have heard of yet, but definitely will soon. Come find us both on NaNoWriMo as pamelaroach and Nic Nac.

Thanks again, Nic, it was a blast!


Nic 4 November 2010 at 23:01  

Aw - You're welcome, Pamela! It was fun.

I appreciate you taking time away from your nano-writing to answer the million questions. (I'm nosy LOL) I enjoyed learning more about you.

You're doing great with your word count.

Happy writing.

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